Old School Bodybuilding Books
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These old school bodybuilding books have been written for real people that want to be make rapid gains without resorting to drugs. Learn more about building your body which will in turn increase your self esteem. If you've found yourself in a situation you don't want to be in, or don't know how to make a change than these books will certainly benefit you.
Everything Need To Know About Building Muscle Naturaly
Arms Report - From 7 1/2" to Over 19" Drug Free
This report provides the routine one non-genetically gifted bodybuilder used to add more than 10" to his upper arms, without the use of steroids or other drugs. Exercises, sets, reps, and weight used are provided as well as diet and supplements. This report contains over twenty-eight pages of useful information and insight as well as a Workout Log. No special equipment is required to follow the program outlined in this report.Download right now as a pdf: $19.97
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Bodybuilding Bulletin - Insights...Tips...Information
Over 60 pages of valuable information for natural bodybuilders. This book contains a Basic Kinesiology Chart, Body Part Exercise Chart, Progress Record, Workout Log, and Meal Log to help you follow each step of your training. Full of information for training body parts, various routines and methods, helpful tricks, diet and supplement suggestions. Useful and valuable information for all bodybuilders at all stages, from beginner to seasoned veterans.Download right now as a pdf: $19.97
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Horse Power by Palmieri
Tested and proven method of power training for natural bodybuilders wanting to add size and strength. This book contains forty-five pages of information and routines as well as charts for bodybuilders of all levels, from beginner to the most advanced. The drug free approach on how to pack it on and keep it on. A must have for any serious bodybuilder.;Download right now as a pdf: $19.97
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Specialized Training for the Natural - Mature - Hard Gainer Bodybuilder
This report is designed especially for the natural - mature - hard gainer that has hit sticking points with various body parts. Outlines a method that has worked for many in overcoming the problem older bodybuilders not genetically gifted have. This report contains special specialization workout logs for tracking workouts and progress.Download right now as a pdf: $19.97
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Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
A must read for bodybuilders of all generations. The "Iron Guru" was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame during the "Golden Era" of bodybuilding, the 60's. His methods, techniques, training, and dietary principles are still employed today. Vince's programs were known for producing the fastest muscle building results in the shortest period of time. Contains inside personal details of a relationship one bodybuilder had with Vince, some his best known training programs, his little known training programs, some of his forgotten methods are presented. What Vince had to say about steroid use, training, nutrition, and supplements, provide the reader with remarkable insight and knowledge of Vince Gironda.Download right now as a pdf: $19.97
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Get all these great eBooks for only $65.00 (A SAVINGS OF $34.85)
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"A few months ago I was surfing the bodybuilding ads on e-Bay and came across one titled: Arms Report, From 7-1/2" to Over 19" How I Did It Without Drugs. The author's name was a blur on the scanned cover but I bit the bullet and bid on the book anyway. Upon my winning the bid the book soon arrived and finally the authors name was revealed: Alan Palmieri? Who the heck is Alan Palmieri? Well I found out very quickly that Alan was one of the behind the scenes unhearlded icons of the iron game. I throughly read through the Arms Report book and all other avaliable literary works by Alan Palmieri. I have personally found each of the books to be informative and a sugnificant contribution to the sport of bodybuilding. I noticed several insights and expressions in his books especially interesting and thought provoking. Suffice it to say I will be implementing some of them into my own workout schedule."
Dennis B. Weis
Author of Mass!, Raw Muscle and Anabolic Muscle Mass "Have you ever been a kid who was very skinny, frail and scared to go out of the house for fear of being rejected and bullied?
Well, if you would like to become bigger, stronger, respected by everybody and reach new confidence in life, this program is a must for you. Learn how Alan Palmieri was a small kid who was bullied and could only dream of being big and strong. Learn about how he transformed himself from a 5'9", 87 lb. kid who was a prisoner of fear, to a 5'11" 230 lb. bodybuilder who had the confidence to conquer anything he wanted to in life.
I loved reading the book. Get yourself on the Horse Power Program and watch yourself see size and strength that you never knew you could obtain. Get excited. Try the Horse Power program, and work harder. You will find that your dreams can come true."
Ben Tatar, NY The e-books are in Adobe PDF format, so you must have Adobe Acrobat Viewer to read and print the file. Adobe Acrobat is a free program that you can download by clicking on the icon below.![]()
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