Alternative Bodybuilding Exercises
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You Don't Have To!
Alan Palmieri
You can't talk or write about bodybuilding without touching on the topic of three basic movements. The barbell bench press, barbell curl and chins: These three are mainstays of bodybuilding exercises. I've been honest in my commentary of reporting chins were always extremely difficult for me, I never was and am not a good "chinner". In fact I've had a love hate relationship with chins. Sometimes I really got into them and other times I would rather take a beating than perform even one. I've used them in my routines off and on for ever but I don't like them - can't do them - and no longer worry about it.
My feelings, although not quite as severe for chinning, comes close for barbell curls and barbell bench presses. Almost from the very start, these three movements are drilled into our minds as mandatory bodybuilding movements. Do them or else! I like all other bodybuilders; did them regardless of how I felt about the movements. I do feel they need to be included in a beginner's routine if for no other reason than to expose the muscles to the movements themselves. I am a strong proponent of a bodybuilder using every exercise available for the best overall development.
You need to include chins, barbell bench presses, and barbell curls in your routine at some point in time, especially in the beginning - some time during your intermediate phase, and again in your advanced experienced stage. Once you hit the veteran stage I really don't see the need to continue to fight with these movements if you don't feel you are receiving a benefit from the movements. If frustration is the only benefit gained, why do them? For some people, these movements simply will not produce the results they do for others. For some, these movements are practically a waste of time. Who says you have to do these movements? You don't have to!
First of all I have already stated I believe someone new to bodybuilding should incorporate the three movements into their workouts. It is important so the body can become familiar with the movement and the impact on the muscles. Still, employing them in a workout does not mean you have to do them each workout or every workout. Throw them in from time to time but don't worry about them.
Second, I admit no champion bodybuilder has developed their physique without doing literally hundreds if not thousands of reps of chins, barbell bench presses, and barbell curls. But, how many bodybuilders are going to become champions or Mr. Olympia's? Not many and if you were you would have a body that would respond producing results no matter what you did.
The truth is... if something does not work why waste your time doing it. If they don't work for you don't do them. Bent over barbell rows work my back far better than chins ever have. Incline dumbbell presses for me are superior to barbell bench presses. Standing or seated alternate dumbbell curls, for me, produce far better results than barbell curls.
Lean your body and what it is trying to tell you. Don't worry about who is doing what. What matters is what works for you.
Lift the iron, work hard, be consistent, experiment, enjoy the rewards.
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