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Bodybuilding Mindset

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Rheo Blair

The Power of the Mind

by Alan Palmieri

I remember the first bodybuilding courses I sent away for. From the inside of comic books were the three leaders of that era. Joe Weider, Charles Atlas, and Ben Rebhuhn. Rebhuhn promoted the American Bodybuilding Club out of Great Neck, NY. It was actually the George F. Jowett Fulcrum Lever Bell Course. That intro sure does date me doesn't it! For one thin dime, that's all the ads asked you to send for information on how to become a real He-Man. Well, the dime was for Rebhuhn's material, a quarter for Weider's and no money for the Atlas material. I then had to beckon all the patience I could muster for the long wait, watching the mail everyday, waiting for the material I sent for to arrive. The information was desperately needed because I had to turn my skinny frail body into a Dynamic Herculean He-Man as soon as possible. Besides, according to the ads, ten to fifteen minutes a day for about three months was all it took to look like Steve Reeves. Boy, talk about someone being naive!

I wasn't able to afford all the courses at that time but over the years I made certain I did get them. Of course a lot of things stand out in my mind but perhaps the most vivid memory I have is how much emphasis all the courses placed on the mind and in keeping a positive attitude. Now some of these writings go back to the 1940's and 1950's. If you look at some of the courses that were out even earlier, they all talked about the mind and nutrition in building ones body. In fact those are the two things discussed at length in the first lessons and throughout the courses. Looking back that's pretty advanced for the time. The mind and body connection was considered a powerful tool for ones development and that logic and practice dates back to the 30's - 20's and maybe even earlier.

For all the advancements, both real and those that are nothing but gimmick hype, in bodybuilding: the mind has been the least explored and least understood. I can tell you this, putting aside the superior genetics and recovery ability; there is not one single champion who does not possess the ability to control their mind. "Mind over matter," "I am the captain of my ship," "Will yourself to greater gains and success." "I am the master of my domain and future," "That what I see in my mind I will become." Phrases we may take for granted but yet they have not only instilled confidence in people but also been responsible for some remarkable and positive results in the lives of otherwise ordinary people.

You will always be able to notice the individual who has been able to harness the power of their mind, they always stand out. Learning to control the mind is no small feat and one that does not happen overnight, it takes time and work. People who have developed the ability of mind control succeed; they exude with confidence.

Bodybuilding champions become almost impervious to what is going on around them during their training. They have the same aches and pains, the same financial and relationship problems we all have, yet once they hit the gym, all is forgotten for the time they are there. Intensity, focus, dedication and determination consume their entire being. They have the ability to bring total mind power into each rep of each set they perform. If you have never witnessed a bodybuilder during a workout who is in such a state of mind you are really missing something. The concentration and focus is a sight to behold.

Capture the powers of your mind and you can control your body. Learn to develop a positive outlook, determination, dedication, drive and stick-to-itiveness and you will see results like never before. Control your mind and you can will yourself to your goals.

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