Fast Effective Back Workout
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Back on The Run
by Alan Palmieri
On the run again, another town another overnight stay. Something I enjoy less and less with each trip I have to make. I didn't have time to go through my normal routine. It was back day and due to a hectic schedule I was either going to have to skip the workout completely or make an adjustment so no more than thirty minutes would be spent working out. To make matters even more frustrating was the fact there was no fully equipped gym anywhere in the area.
The motel I was staying at did have a gym, well they advertised it as such but it really wasn't anything to brag about. It could best be described as an "exercise room", not a gym. You've seen the set up, a couple of machines, dip and chin bars, ab bench, elliptical machine, and a bicycle. No free weights at all.
Knowing my time was limited I would have to crank it up a few notches from what I had been doing. Upon entering the so called gym, best described as an "exercise room", I performed a couple of quick stretches. Warmed up hastily and I was ready to go. I performed a giant set which consisted of chins, lat pulldowns, shrugs (using the lower pulley attachment on the lat machine), hyperextensions (I set up the ab bench to make it work as a hyper bench), and hanging scapula rotations. Six sets of maximum reps with no rest between exercises and very little... I mean very little rest between giant sets.
I intentionally kept the speed of each rep moderate, not too fast and not too slow. I concentrated on the full movement, perhaps more so than I normally would. I made certain to get a full contraction at the top of each rep of each exercise. When using mental concentration during a workout you can actually feel a different response. I sometimes get complacent while working out and a change brings me back to where I should have been in the first place concerning my mental involvement. I know first hand the importance the mind plays in bodybuilding. After all these years I can actually take a light weight, concentrate correctly and get outstanding results. I've written about the mind and body connection and it's not some hocus pocus wizard junk... its real!
The pump I got was great and after completing the last rep I rushed back to my room for a quick shower, sipped on a can of protein I had brought with me, dressed and was back on the road to my next appointment. I was very happy I decided to take the hurried workout instead of skipping it. I was also surprised to see a health food store just up ahead. I pulled over and purchased another canned protein drink as I just finished my last one. I would have loved to purchase and eaten a protein bar but to be honest, if you read the label on those things they don't have any business even being in a health food store. I check them all the time and I just hope someday I'll be able to find one that contains; low saturated and no trans fats, low carbs, low sugar and no sugar substitute, and high protein... sounds like too much to hope for - maybe it is but certainly not impossible.
Hours after my hurried back workout my back and biceps were still pumped. While working out I became frustrated over the fact I could not perform as many chins as I wanted (regular readers know I've openly admitted I am not strong at chinning). Still the sequence, intensity, and speed of the workout provided more than ample stimulation for my back. Each experience brings about rewards in knowledge. Sometimes, even though we know something, we forget it over time. This occasion was no exception. The small and cramped exercise room that did not contain enough bodybuilding equipment didn't prevent me from having a great workout. The message... It's not what you don't have; it's what you do have and how you use it that counts.
Tomorrow is leg day but I'll be back home and can either go to the gym or hit it at home. More likely than not I'll stay at home and blast the quads into submission. The back pump has got me fired up and ready to go. I can already sense a leg session of giant sets coming on. One workout building on the enthusiasm of my last workout, that's one reason I have kept coming back over the years.
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